Karaoglanidis, A.1*, Tsartsapakis, I.1, Koidou, I.1, Grouios, G.2, Evaggelinou, C.1
1Department of Physical Education & Sport Science at Serres, Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ag Ioannis, Serres 62100, Greece.
2Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, New Thermi facilities Thessaloniki, 57001 Thessaloniki.
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Several studies have demonstrated that adolescence is an especially crucial time for the development of eating disorders. Body dissatisfaction, body weight care, and higher body mass index are associated with increased risk for eating disorders. The current study investigated body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness and eating attitude and the relationship between these variables among 321 overweight and not exercisers adolescent males (N = 170) and females (N = 151) and their normal weight mothers in Greece. The subscale body dissatisfaction and drive of thinness of EDI-2 and the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) were used to examine the relationships between the variables using one-way anova, pearson correlation and regression analysis. The findings indicate differences only in body dissatisfaction between mothers and girls. Also for boys and girls body dissatisfaction was predicted by mother’s body dissatisfaction and eating attitude but not from the drive of thinness. The high body mass index of adolescents as well as maternal body dissatisfaction, seemed to be factors that could influence the body image of adolescents. Further exploration of the relationship between the family (mother and father) and eating habits and behaviors of their offspring can make a significant contribution to anticipating and addressing issues of weight control and nutritional behavior of children.
Keywords: body dissatisfaction; drive of thinness; eating attitude; overweigh adolescent boys; overweigh girls; mother.
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