When assessing research articles we ask reviewers to focus on the following five criteria:
Methodology – Is the methodology appropriate and has it been reported in sufficient detail to allow the replication of the work?
Results and interpretation – Do the results appear reliable? Are the conclusions supported by the results presented?
Quality of the written English – Is the English at an adequate standard for publication?
Data availability – Does the work adhere to community standards for data-sharing and reporting?
Ethical standards – Does the research meet all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity?
Initial e-mail requesting you to review a submission
Reviewers can only be invited by the Editors of the PANR journal. Please note that reviewers are suggested by the author(s) via the Submission form available at the Submit Today Section.
Upon being selected and invited to review a PANR Journal submission, the reviewer will receive an email with the Reviewers Guide and Form, and the manuscript.
Please respond to this email at your earliest convenience to confirm or decline your interest in providing a review by emailing [email protected]